Duck Crew Members
Home / Duck Crew Members
A Duck Crew Member is someone who helps out at the sale. By fulfilling one of our shifts during sale week, you get a pass to shop the pre-sale before the general public! Plus, if you ALSO consign, you retain a higher percentage on the items you sell….up to 75%! (You don’t have to be a consignor to help out at the sale and receive a pre-sale pass).
We do not allow children to come with you to your Crew Member Shift. Want to work a shift but need to baby wear? Baby wearing Crew Members are only allowed DURING the sale, which is 3/20-3/23 not during set up, which is earlier in the week. THANKS!
Choose the shift that best fits your schedule. Even people who work shifts that take place after the Pre-sale get to shop the Pre-sale.