The Lucky Duck Children's Consigment Shop




Email sent to Crew Member on 9/30 about your workshift

CAN WE GET A LITTLE EXCITEMENT FOR OUR NEW LOCATION???  Please  make sure you DO NOT go to the Coliseum. Ha!  The new location is Kruse Plaza- 5634 Opportunity Blvd in Auburn.  It’s just off I69 at exit 326- and take a left! 

Here’s some information for all our Crew Members:

Thanks for working a shift at our sale! We just sent you an email confirming any and all Duck Crew Member shifts that you are currently signed up for.

We are in The Hanger at Kruse Plaza.  This is at the very end of building.  We will have tons of signage on property directing you where to go.

CHANGES/ADDITIONS TO DUCK CREW MEMBER SHIFTS: This sale is run mostly by your help.  When you sign up for a shift, we are counting on you to show up.  If you cannot attend your shift, please contact us BEFORE the start of your shift to let us know.  You can call 260-355-LUCK or email us at  No- shows will result in not being able to sign up for future shifts…. meaning no early shopping!  This is a BIG sale.  We need all the help we can get to make this happen!

FOR SHIFTS ON MONDAY 10/2-WEDNESDAY 10/4:  You are going to park on the East side of the building- closest to the far end. (for those of us who are directionally challenged, that is the right side of the building.). The entrance for you to come in to work will be on the North end of the building (the far end of the building). Look for our sign that says CREW MEMBERS ENTER HERE.

FOR SHIFTS ON THURSDAY 10/5-SUNDAY 10/8: You are going to park on the left side of the building (the West side) and look for the sign that says “Crew Members Enter Here” so you know where to come in.  Make sure to come to the INFO booth to sign in.

In the past we’ve had a place for you to keep your purse/water bottle etc. while you work- and we will have that for Set up days.  During sale days- we are still trying to find a good spot for this. WE HIGHLY suggest bringing a SMALL crossbody type purse with your money and phone, etc. and wearing it on your body the whole time.  We will have a place for you to put a small bag with a drink or snacks, we just want to be up front that we aren’t entirely sure we will have a great place to store purses, while you work and make sure they are kept safe and easily accessible by you.

DRESS:  The venue has cement floors, like the coliseum, albeit much prettier, so wear comfortable shoes.  It would be smart to dress in layers it can get warm/or cold in there on set up days. 

SIGN IN/OUT FOR YOUR SHIFT: Please sign both IN and OUT for your workshift- you will do this at our INFO station.  We know some people like to show up early, and you are welcome to.  However, we need you to stay for the duration of the shift you signed up for, even if you show up early and want to start working early.  We will have a short little meeting right at the start of your shift to explain what we are doing that shift and what your job will be.

PRE-SALE TICKETS:  Our Tickets will be electronic this year! All tickets will be emailed out on Wednesday 10/4 at 10am. (check all folders: Inbox, junk, spam, Promotions, literally every folder before emailing that you can’t find your ticket).  The email will be from KAIROS TICKETS.  If you’ve checked every folder, your best bet is to email tell them you are a Crew Member- and your name and they will help you.

Even if you show up to the door to shop on Thursday without your ticket…we can look it up.  However, it will take a few minutes for us to be able to get it and scan it, so it’s best to have that ticket so you can get right in and start shopping!

The ticket gets you admittance to the PRIVATE PRESALE on Thursday 10/5 at 1pm or anytime after.  Only 1 person is allowed in per pass. No Children or strollers on pre-sale night-but baby wearing is ok.

Bring a bag to shop with, or plan to buy one of ours.  Take advantage of our HOLDING SECTION while you shop.

You may bring a rolling hamper, or cart or suitcase.  We are allowing Wagons HOWEVER- We have had many complaints about wagons in the past…..wagons take up a large footprint which hinders others from shopping.  So, we are going to see how it works at the new location, but if we feel during the night that too many people are complaining about not being able to shop because wagons are in the way….we will make an announcement and have all wagons be parked in the Holding section- so they wont be on the sales floor.  So, we advise a rolling hamper or other tall cart.

PARKING:  It’s FREEEEEEEEE!!!  Which is awesome. But the parking lot is, of course, not near as big as the Coliseum.  But we will have people working the parking lot helping you park and making sure things run smoothly. If you can ride with a friend- we do encourage that!

DUCK CREW MEMBER APPRECIATION:  WE APPRECIATE YOUR HELP!!  We can’t pull this crazy Duck thing off without each and every one of you!  We are letting our Duck Crew Members shop our half off sale Sunday BEFORE the general public!  Many consignors mark their items to sell for half off on the last day of the sale.  You will be able to get in at 8:30am to shop first- you may bring 1 guest (and any kids) with you!  The doors open to the general public at 9am.  Our registers will not be open til 9am Sunday morning. 

This half hour early bump pass will be emailed to you Saturday morning 10/7 at 8am.

THANKS!  We can’t wait to see your faces this week!!




Email sent to Consignors on 9/27/23 about DROP OFF

This does not apply to Drop N Go Consignosrs or Valet: If you are working a Crew Member Shift and your drop off falls during your Crew member Shift- you will need a new drop off- as we don’t allow drop offs during work shifts.  If your crew Member shift is before your workshift, please make sure there is adequate time to get all your items out before you begin your shift.  The entire shift needs to be worked from start time to end time.  Please email if you need to make changes.

The 30 minute drop off appointment is for you to drive up to the buidling, unload your car, park your car in a different lot, and then walk back in and put your items on the sales floor.  Once back in from parking your car it should take you about 45 minutes to get your items on the sales floor (this would be for 250 items).  You may bring kids with you (we always suggest making other arrangements for your children during drop off, as it will be easier and go faster.  If you have to bring them with you, please keep them with you at all times.)



Kruse Plaza: 5634 Opportunity Blvd. in Auburn.

If coming North on 69 from Fort Wayne, you will get off at Exit 326 and take a left…..its not even a quarter mile off the highway.  Kruse Plaza is on the WEST side of 69.

Once you pull onto property It’s a long driveway to the building.  When you see the building, you will be going to the left around it- Just follow the Lucky Duck Drop Off Signage.

A parking attendant will greet you and direct you where to pull up with your items.  The building is right there- you will not be walking more than 20 feet or so to get into the building.  We will have z racks for clothing and some flatbed carts and shopping carts available for you to use.  BUT WE HIGHLY RECCOMMEND bringing a wagon WITH YOUR NAME ON IT or something with wheels to take your stuff around the sales floor with.


As a reminder- all consignors receive 1 pass to shop the Private Presale on Thursday 10/5 at 3pm. (you may come in any time at or after 3pm)

If you are a consignor who is working a shift- instead of a 3pm pass-you will receive 1 pass to get in at 1pm. (you may come in anytime on or after 1pm).

If you are a consignor who’s significant other is also working a shift- you will receive 2- 1pm passes. (we love having men work our manly shifts: Rack set up and Tear Down and Security!) We may need a few more security shifts… if your man wants to work- email


All items will be inspected before you put them out on the sales floor.  You will be able to SKIP the inspection process if your sell through was 80% or higher at our Spring 2023 Sale.

1.  You will unload your car.  (unload clothing first so we can start inspecting that right away).

2.  Park in the parking lot (we will instruct you where that is when you are there)

3.  Come back into the building and start putting your items that have been inspected and accepted, out on the sales floor.  We will have instructions for you there that explain how to take your items around the sales floor.

4.  Once all your items have been put out on the floor, you may leave.  Just make sure you check back in at your drop station to take any non-accepted items home with you. We cannot hold onto any non-accepted items.  Anything not accepted- and not taken home with you that day after your drop off- will be donated.


Remember that your items must be SALE READY--Tagged, hung, and ready to go onto the sales floor.  

Bundling all clothing together by size and gender is mandatory, (Rubber bands work best).

It's easier for you if you bundle like items within the size (all size 3 shirts, all size 3 shorts, etc.)

You will take off the rubber bands once you hang them on the sales floor.


Have your items organized by

·      Boys Clothing 

·      Girls Clothing

·      Women’s Clothing

·      Maternity Clothing

·      Women’s Shoes and Accessories

·      Halloween Costumes

·      Christmas Pajamas

·      Boys Shoes

·      Girls Shoes

·      Toys/Sports

·      Books and DVD’s

·      Nursery and Kid Room Decor

·      Baby Land Stuff: Infant accessories/Carriers/slings/nursing and feeding/Bath/Bedding/Safety/Car Seats

·      Any items you plan to insure/and Large items that need claim tickets

NEW THIS SALE- there is not a separate Boutique Section.  Instead your boutique will go on the clothing racks at the BEGINNING of each size.

If you are taking advantage of our INSURANCE or need a CLAIM TICKET for a large item – make sure you stop at that station on the floor as your last stop before you leave your drop off. You’ll find it easy on the sales floor where the bouquet of balloons is.


You may choose to insure up to 5 items that are valued at $15 or more.  They CANNOT be marked donate and must be in PRISTINE condition.  Insurance means- if for whatever reason they show up as UNSOLD on your inventory report- but they can’t be located on the sales floor during pick up on Sunday…you will be paid for them as if they sold on Sunday.  You do not HAVE to take advantage of our insurance, but it is a service we offer.


These are our bright yellow tags that go on any item that is too large for a shopper to carry out the door.  (strollers, high chairs, pack and plays, bikes, furniture, large toys). Bring the price tag and the item to this station with the balloons and we will help you with a claim ticket.

Once all your items are put out on the floor, you can leave.  We will have rolling racks, and shopping carts available for you to use to take your items around the sales floor. We only allow 1 rolling rack per consignor dropping off.

Don’t worry- we will remind you all these things and show you what to do when you arrive.  We will have maps of the floor that you can take around with you.  And we will have staff on the floor to help direct you.

As a reminder- you are placing your items on the sales floor where they will be for the sale.  The only exception to this is toys.  All toys, will be dropped on the TOY DROP tables (covered in GREEN paper) and WE will place your toys on the sales floor.

Also- we will do a LIVE video on Mother Ducks Facebook Page on Monday evening around 6:30- that you can check out prior to coming to get a visual of the space, itself.  A Map of the floor plan will be posted on MOTHER DUCKS facebook group- check it out to familiarize yourself with the space!

See you soon!


Email sent to Consignors on 9/19/23

ENETR DEADLINE: 9/24 at 11:59 PM

The entering deadline is fast approaching! Please make sure all your items are entered into inventory by this Sunday, 9/24 at 11:59 pm. You can still prep and print your tags after that time, but everything needs to be in the system and no changes can be made after that Sunday night deadline.

You know what's awesome? you get to shop the VIP PRIVATE PRESALE if you consign- WHAT A BONUS! You will get 1 pass to shop on Thursday 10/5 beginning at 3pm (1pm if you are working a shift!)

Don't be a consignor who has to un-register for the sale, because you didn't get your items entered. As a reminder, the consignor registration fee is non-transferable and non refundable.


If you have not yet signed up for a drop off appointment- please make sure to do so. You need to get your items to Kruse Plaza in order for us to sell them for you! Do so under the CONSIGNOR LOGIN on the website.


The last chance to get all the supplies you need to prep your items is this Sunday 9/24 between 2pm-3pm. Come buy your hangers, tag gins, pins while we have them. (Hanger prices go up form 20 cents a hanger to 25 cents a hanger if you wait to buy them at the venue.) To get the address of where the open house is, please email Tracey at:


Email sent to Consignors on 9/7/23


We have 3 options for dropping off your items to Kruse Plaza:  NEED INSPECTED, SKIP INSPECTION, DROP N GO.

NEED INSPECTED: This is the Drop Off Appointment you will pick if you are a new consignor, did not participate last sale or if you did not have a 80% or higher sell through at the Spring 23 sale.  These drop offs take place on Tuesday 10/3 between 10:30am-6:30pm.  The 30 minute time slot is for you to drive up to the building, unload your car at a drop station inside the building, go out and park your car while your items go through the inspection process, then come back and in and put your items on the sales floor.  We ask that you arrive at the beginning of the time slot you choose. (if you pick 2:00-2:30- please arrive as close to 2pm as possible.  However, you may stay as long as you need to put your items out.  ALL ITEMS MUST BE OUT BY 8:00PM.

SKIP INSPECTION: Those of you that had a 80% or higher sell through rate at the Spring 2023 sale get to skip the inspection process.  You will pull your car up to the building, unload, park- then come in and put your items out on the sales floor. You will get to choose from 2 time blocks: 10:30am-2:30pm or 2:30pm-6:30pm.  You can come anytime within the time frame that you pick.  ALL ITEMS MUST BE OUT BY 8:00PM.  So please plan accordingly.

DROP N GO: Don't have the time or desire to put your own items out? Take advantage of our Drop N Go Service which takes place on Monday 10/2 from 6-7:30pm.  You sign up for a half hour time slot- and come anytime within that half hour. You will pull up to the building, we will help you unload your car, you will get your presale pass, and you will be on your way!  We will take care of putting your items on the sales floor.  (you do need to prepare your items so they are sale ready and organized by category.  More details to come on this.)  The cost for Drop N Go starts at $25 for 250 items or less.  If you have more items, the cost goes up $10 for each 100 increment. (For example, 340 items will cost $35.) This will be taken off your check.

You will get a specific email the week of the sale explaining where to arrive for your drop off appointment.  Remember that your items must be SALE READY--Tagged, hung and ready to go onto the sales floor.  Please plan for about an hour for your drop off appointment- you will be walking around and putting your items onto the sales floor- More info to come in a dedicated email all about DROP OFF.



Email sent to Consignors on 8/30/23


Hi Consignors!
We are PUMPED for our first sale in our Beautiful new location - KRUSE PLAZA!  Its going to be the best sale yet, and we are so excited that YOU are a part of that!
Please read through these reminders, as they have information that you need to know as a consignor for our sale.  The BEST way to be informed about our sale is to read the website.  If you have additional questions please send us an email at  Or - if you are on Facebook, join our SECRET Consignor group: Mother Ducks Fall/Winter 2023.  Lots of great info and questions answered on there. 
If you are a Valet Consignor with us, this information does not pertain to you! You just need to get ready to SHOP!!!

The rest of you: CHEERS- to getting your items entered, tagged and ready to sell!  Don't get overwhelmed......this is suppose to be fun! :-)


What's a Crew member?  A Crew Member is someone who works a shift at our sale to help us set up/organize, or work the actual sale hours.  Each shift you work means you retain 5% more commission on the items you sell.  You can work up to 3 shifts!

You can sign up under your consignor account-under your consignor login.  Shifts open This Friday 9/1 at 9am!  AND THEY GO FAST!


Drop Off appointments will open on Friday 9/8 at 9am.  Every Consignor needs a drop off appointment to bring your items to Kruse Plaza (Except Valet Consignors- You have already done that!)

TRADITIONAL CONSIGNORS- You will choose a time on Tuesday 10/3 to bring your items to Kruse Plaza (no drive in drop off at this location but you will drive RIGHT up to the building and bring your items in)- More details as we get closer to the event!  Once inspected, you will put your items out on the Sales floor. (Those of you with a 80% or higher sell through last sale- you will SKIP INSPECTION!)

WANT A DROP N GO APPOINTMENT? DNG will happen on Monday evening 10/2 and will cost $25 for 250 items or less (cost goes up the more items you have).  Literally pull up, we will help get your items out of your vehicle, grab your presale pass and GO! (if you KNOW you want one you can email Karen at and we will make sure we get you slotted in.

RESTOCK CONSIGNORS- You will chose a time in the afternoon on 10/6. (Drop N Go not an option for Restock Consignors)

DEADLINE TO ENTER INVENTORY is 9/24/23 at 11:59pm

The last date to enter inventory into the database for this sale is Sunday 9/24 at 11:59pm.  Don’t be a consignor who has to un-register because you have no inventory.  You can print tags, hang items, and get them prepped for the sale after that deadline.  But the entering deadline is coming up really soon!!!!   The registration fee is non-refundable.....and remember- not only do you MAKE MONEY by consigning = you get to shop the PRIVATE PRESALE!!!


We are having 4 supply open houses before the sale.  Stop by and pick up the supplies you need!

Saturday 9/2 from 2pm-3pm
Sunday 9/10 from 2pm-3pm
Saturday 9/16 from 2pm-3pm
Sunday 9/24 2pm-3pm

Tag Guns: $15 comes with 500 barbs
Barbs: $1 per 100
Safety Pins- $2.50 for a baggie full
Child or Adult Hangers: .20 each
Child or Adult Pant Hangers: .20 each

These open houses are located at Tracey's house- NE Fort Wayne. If you want to come to the meet up- email for the address!



We love tag guns.  They make tagging go faster and can be easy to use if you use them correctly.

When using a tagging gun, please make sure that you ONLY poke through the label of the item, or the armpit where the seams meet. (if you poke right through the item, it creates a hole and your items will not be accepted at drop off!)  Watch video tutorial on the website under the HOW TO CONSIGN tab.


This is a FALL/WINTER Sale. Those are the clothes and shoes we are looking for.  We DO accept some long sleeve shirts and jeans, (think: would they be good for late Fall and early Spring- Just make sure they aren’t specific to summer (like have flip-flops or popsicles on them).
We also sell: Halloween Costumes, Christmas Pajamas, Dress up, sports equipment, toys, books, bikes, shoes, strollers and SO MUCH MORE! Go through your kids closest, the toy box, the basement, the garage, bookshelf, movie cabinet....if it is related to kids and in GREAT condition....we will probably accept it!  


When entering your items into inventory, please make sure to be as descriptive as possible.  "Jeans"  or "Carters" is not a great description.  We are working with tens of thousands of items during sale week and tags do get lost.  The better the description, the better chance for us to match up a lost tag with a lost item and be able to credit you for the sale!  We need to see BRAND AND DESCRIPTION. Using card stock or heavier white paper gives you a better chance of tags staying on. Remember WHITE PAPER ONLY.

If you are a previous consignor, and are making active some of your previous items for this sale.....Please be sure to only select the items you want to make active for this sale.  Don't select ALL your INACTIVE INVENTORY.  That completely messes with your sell through rate (and our floor planning and rack space).  Only have active items in your inventory for the current sale, please.


Inflation is real and we are all feeling it.  Everything seems to cost more!  
We are excited to always offer such great deals for our shoppers.  However, we would love you to consider pricing your items .50 cents more!  If someone is willing to pay $3 for an item- they will probably pay $3.50.

Bump those items up by .50 and watch your profit check increase!


The more people who RSVP to our Facebook event, the more people see our page on Facebook. (stinkin' FB rules)  RSVP that you are GOING to our sale, so all your friends, and your friends friends can see the event and come buy your stuff!!!  The more we all share this event the more shoppers..... and the more sold!